22 November 2014

Legendary Battle Extended Version To Air This Monday

Last time, the cast of Power Rangers Super Megaforce tweeted that an extended version of the last episode for the series entitled "Legendary Battle" and now, that episode will premiere this Monday,  November 24th on Nick Toons from 11pm to 12:15am.

This episode will cover "The Wrath" to "Legendary Battle" and will be available 
on Nick.com and on the Nickelodeon Smart Phone App the following morning of Tuesday, November 25th.

What are you expecting in this extended version of the Power Rangers Super Megaforce finale? Drop us some comments down below.

Source: Toku Nation 


  1. Part of me hopes that Saban cornered some old cast members at Power Morphicon and persuaded them to record some catchphrases and "hi-yah!"s to play over the legendary battle footage. That's the most optimistic I can get about it by this point.

    But I doubt Saban would go to even that much effort, so I'm just suspecting they've padded out the battle with disused Gokaiger Great Legend War footage as a final middle finger to older fans by establishing these unnamed Sentai teams as PR canon.

  2. Well what we do know is People went to ADR to record some lines so its very possible that they got more then just the SMF cast.

  3. I really hope they explain the new powers origins and actually have characters for the new powers! I also hope they'll connect dairanger to the thunder zords and say that tommy was their mentor!

  4. It is more then likely more scenes to battle and some other scenes legends mentioned that got cut.
