28 April 2013

New Sailor Moon Anime Series Delayed

New Sailor Moon Anime Coming this 2013

It has been confirmed by Fumio Osano, the Sailor Moon manga's Kodansha editor, that new Sailor Moon anime, celebrating the 20th Anniversary of the popular magical girl manga, will be delayed. When asked, he replied, “Not 2014. Perhaps.”

Last July 2012, it has been confirmed that Sailor Moon will have an anime remake coming this Summer of 2013, with Momoiro Clover Z singing the new anime's theme song, entitled “Z Otome Shinsou.”. It is said to be a retelling of the original manga and aimed toward older fans.

More details will be revealed once a formal announcement was released.

via Anime News Network


  1. Now that's a disappointing news...
    I hope this decision didn't come because of the sudden extended season given to Saint Seiya Omega.

  2. Hold on. Did they mean "Not 2014. Perhaps" as in they are hoping it won't be delayed til 2014? Because that's very diffetent.

  3. I think they meant that they hope it won't take until next year. They're hoping it'll be out by the end of this year. Not that it won't come out even next year.

  4. Wipe off saint seiya omega for christ sake and give us the long waited sailormoon

  5. Shame it wasn't cancelled. It's even worse then SSO.
