12 April 2013

History of Power Rangers: Mystic Force

Linkara from That Guy with the Glasses.com is now back with the latest installment on his series of Power Rangers reviews, the History of Power Rangers. And finally here is his review of Power Rangers: Mystic Force.

For earlier reviews, you can check them out at Linkara's History of Power Rangers page.


  1. His review of Power Rangers are indeed great to listen to. But the comments he made regarding the source material, i.e. Super Sentai, leaves the impression that he would consider the movie Dragon-ball Evolution to be an epic masterpiece because the original source material was not that important.

    1. Uh no , that's's not a fair comparison.See evolution was an adaption in the sense that it was supossed to be a story directly from the manga but ended up botching the whole thing.Power rangers is a seperate show from SS entirely so if he's reviewing powerangers for the show IT is then he shouldn't have to reference sentai unless necessary.

  2. Yay, another episode of annoying voiced man bitches about how he hates other Power Rangers fans before ranting about things he's heard about but has no real backing to then complains some more.

    1. First off if you think Linkara is annoying then why bother watching or even coming here ? And he never said he hates other fans like ever .... I seriously don't know how you've came to that conclusion except from when he said he dosent need people emailing him about things he already knows which IS annoying. Also most of the things he complains about have an actual backing so unless im missing somthing your basically being an ass for no reason.

  3. Hey, its been a while since Linkara's last update on his Power Ranger review. Must watch now

  4. took forever but i like his reviews

  5. Actually Xander is suppose to be from Australia not New Zealand

  6. Eh. I don't have respect for anyone who has no interest in Sentai.

    1. Why? I love sentai and all but its not oh so good that people have to absolutely be interested in it if they've watched PR for most of their life.

  7. To be fair, History of Power Rangers is supposed to be about the history of Power Rangers, not the Super Sentai source material. I like Super Sentai but this is about Power Rangers. Pure and simple.

  8. ^Same here ,i also would like to add that i don't really care about his little tid-bits of "facts"

  9. With the Sentai there are no POWER RANGER TRU.
