07 May 2015

Digimon Adventure Tri. Series Teaser Now Online

Toei animation's official youtube channel has began streaming the teaser for the 15th anniversary presentation of the Digimon series, Digimon Adventures Tri. and it also features 2 familiar Super Sentai actress and actor in the cast!

The cast for the human heroes are now completely different. Here are the list of the the cast:

Natsuki Hanae as Taichi Yagami
Yoshimasa Hosoya as Yamato Ishida
Suzuko Mimori as Sora Takenouchi
Mutsumi Tamura as Kōshirō Izumi
Hitomi Yoshida as Mimi Tachikawa
Junya Enoki as Takeru Takaishi

And joining them will be Kaizoku Sentai Gokaigers stars MAO (Luka/Gokaiyellow) as Hikari Yagami and 
Junya Ikeda (Gai/Gokaisilver)as Jō Kido.

The Digimon staff announced that the anime will be a 6-part film series with the first film titled "Saikai" (Reunion) premiering on November 21 plus Kouji Wada will return to perform the original opening theme song, "Butter-Fly," with Ayumi Miyazaki also returning to perform the insert song, "Brave Heart" and Ai Maeda for the ending song "Wish".

Source: Anime News Network


  1. Two gokaiger members? Damn. This the first time Junya is voice acting?

    1. On the technical side all the actors/actresses that play the civilian identities of the Rangers do have voice acting experience.

  2. Holy crap it is Alphamon!!

    (Fanboy anticipation intensifies greatly)

  3. I'm so excited! My childhood gets a continuation!!

  4. @1st Anon - Well technically toku is mostly about voice-acting the suits, so I guess that counts.

  5. Anticipating the first film later in the fall.

  6. Holy shitttt that's alphamon for god sake!!!

    I must watch this no matter what

  7. Man I really hope this series is in continuity with 02 and 01,like taking place after the main 02 story. I'd be really lame if this recons anything.
