10 May 2017

SHOUT! Factory To Release Power Rangers Operation Overdrive Complete Series DVD

It's time to accelerate into overdrive as the good folks at SHOUT! Factory has announced that they will release the complete series of Power Rangers Operation Overdrive!

Power Rangers Operation Overdrive The Complete Series DVD will include all 32 episodes of the TV series and will also include the 2-part team-up episode, "Once a ranger". The DVD set will cost $16.07 and will be released this August 8, 2017.


  1. Was there really a need for this if it was Boukenger I get it but this why?

  2. To be fair, Operation Overdrive probably has SOME fans who were waiting for this (along with completionists who couldn't shell out for the legacy collection relased a few years back), but otherwise pass (STRONGLY tempted to get Space and Time Force, big maybe on Dino Thunder)

  3. the only season that's worse then Megaforce

  4. To number 4 Anonymous

    Seriously !!!!
    I'm no fan of OO but at least OO have a bit of fun Or ANYTHING
    then Megaforce

    Even tho OO dumb down Megaforce dumb it down to a hold new level

  5. Do you guys really not know the difference between "than" and "then"?

  6. It's time for BOUKENGER 10 years after, love the series.

  7. Keep on hating, haters.
    I enjoyed Operation Overdrive.
