28 January 2020

Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger - The Final Battle Begins! Here Comes A New Knight!

Next month on Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger, our brave knights's final battle begins and an all new knight will also join them!

After the Druidon mother gets revived, she creates an all new general named Yabasword! And amidst all of this, a knight night, clad in a Gaisoulg armor and calls himself Ryusoul Brown, joins the Ryusoulgers in their last stand against the Druidon army!

Who is this mysterious ally? Could he be Nada who gets revived? let's all find out next month!


  1. I really hope that Nada is gonna be Ryusoul Brown, that means he can join the team again once more.

  2. I Really hope that Ryusoul Brown is Nada, Please let it happen.
