17 January 2020

Mashin Gattai DX Kiramaijin Revealed With Official Images

And just like that, Bandai has released some official images for the Mashin Gattai DX Kiramaijin, the Kiramger's main mecha from the upcoming Mashin Sentai Kiramager TV series!

This 5 piece mecha will comprise of the following vehicles: Mashin Fire, Mashin Shovvelow, Mashin Mach, Mashin Jetter and Mashin Helicop and will combine to form Kiramaijin.

One of the best aspects of the mecha is that it will have clear parts with holographic stickers in it. The Mashin Gattai DX Kiramaijin set will cost 7,200 yen and will be released on March 7, 2020.

1 comment:

  1. This new giant mecha aka new Megazord is miraculously and glittery awesome.

    Hopefully this will fit good, after the ryusoulger adaptation for 2021, as the new adaptation of kiramager for 2022 maybe or perhaps.

    What are your honest thoughts?

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