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Kamen Rider Drive's Fumika Baba Inspires Fans After COVID-19 Recovery

Japanese actress Fumika Baba, known by fans as Medic of Kamen Rider Drive, gave an inspiring post in her instagram account after her recovery from COVID-19.

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. 皆様へ この度は共演者の皆様、スタッフの皆様、ならびに関係各所の皆様に多大なるご迷惑とご心配をお掛けしてしまいましたこと、心よりお詫び申し上げます。 医療従事者、保健所の方々のご指導のもと、一定期間の隔離療養後、PCR検査におきまして陰性が確認できましたので、ここにご報告させていただきます。 今後は体調管理に気をつけながら、少しずつお仕事に復帰させていただけたらと思っております。 応援してくださる方々のとても温かい励ましの言葉に何度も救われ、何度も勇気付けられました。 心より感謝申し上げます。 本当にありがとうございます。 感謝の気持ちを忘れずに、皆様に少しでもお返しができるよう精一杯精励してまいります。 今までは当たり前のようにあった環境が実は特別なことで、とてもすばらしいことだと気付かされました。 そんな、気軽に会って話ができる日常が1日も早く来ることを願っております。 馬場ふみか

A post shared by 馬場ふみか (@fumika_baba) on

"To everyone, we sincerely apologize for causing a great deal of inconvenience and concern to the co-stars, staff, and other related parties.

Under the guidance of medical professionals and health centers, we have confirmed a negative PCR test after a certain period of isolation treatment, so we would like to report here.

In the future, I would like to be able to return to work little by little while paying attention to physical condition management.

I will do my best to give back to you without forgetting my gratitude. I was saved and encouraged many times by the very warm words of encouragement from the people who supported me.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart. thank you very much.  
I realized that the environment that used to be taken for granted is actually something special and wonderful.

I hope that such a daily life where you can easily meet and talk will come as soon as possible.

The fan favorite artist also thank her supporters and fans for all the love and support that she received.

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