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Yuria Haga Goes Nude in New Movie

Idol/actress Yuria Haga, known for her role as Mari Sonoda in Kamen Rider 555, will go nude in her new starring film Red X Pink (赤×ピンク). The film will be directed by Koichi Sakamoto and premieres February 22nd, 2014.

Haga also played as Mio Suzuki in Kamen Rider Kiva, and later reprised the role in Kamen Rider Decade. She was also a model for fashion magazine Seventeen.

The film centers around the love and growth of four women, and features these women as they fight in an iron cage. Haga is said to play the heroine who suffers from gender identity disorder. Also starring in the film are Rina Koike (Kiva), Asami Tada and Ayame Misaki (Cutie Honey, Go-Busters).

Source: Sponichi Annex

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9 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    Exceed Charge..:) hehehe

  2. Rina Koike , Ayame Misaki , and Yuria Haga all in the same movie ?!?! My poor fanboy heart can't take this.

  3. Anonymous Says:

    Figures. Sakamoto's a disgusting pervert, so forcing someone to get naked for a movie is right up his alley.

  4. Anonymous Says:

    Mari chan being naughty :)... I like that. I can't wait to watch that sexy movie.

  5. My boner is going to "Wake Up", IYKWIM....

    But since Misaki-san will be in this movie too, my boner is also preparing for a "Final Buster", AIYKWIM.

  6. Anonymous Says:

    No one forces anyone to get nude in a movie. If she doesn't want to take her clothes off, then she knows how to walk away. Now with that said. We Have Ourselves A Movie. :)

  7. mechahawk Says:

    Masato Kusaka (Kamen Rider Kaixa) would love this news haha! :)

  8. ryuji Says:

    nude and fight in an iron cage?
    now that's what i call interesting...

  9. Oh my! oh my! rina koike! yuria haga wow,. can't wait to watch it.. :D

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