- Toys, Action Figures, Vintage Toys, and Collectibles
GekiDan Passed Away at 25

In line with the previous post, a sad news to everyone who views and watches this website... My brother Daniel known as GekiDan, passed away at 1:45AM this morning. It was already expected that this day will arrive.

As for everyone's knowledge, my brother was diagnosed with Centronuclear Myopathy since he was 4 years old. It is a condition wherein the muscle cells were not fully developed and tends to weaken and turned smaller as the patient grows up. It is a one in a million case and still has no cure. According to medical researches, only 50 families with a member having the same condition were recorded.

In my brother's case, he stopped walking when he was 5. And his health deteriorates as he grew older. But still, he finished elementary and high school in a normal school as a normal student. He graduated two courses in college, Cartooning and Web Page Designing through a homestudy program with excellent grades. He was able to enjoy his life to its fullest as he meets new friends in and out of the net. He's good friends with Henshin Justice Unlimited people but wasn't able to see them for he passed away earlier the day that we should meet for the last time we gathered up was when we watched Gatchaman on cinema together.

For the past few days, he feels weak and usually got headaches or felt dizziness in which we thought that the complications of his disease started.. He was confined last Friday, December 27th at San Lorenzo Hospital and was transferred yesterday at the National Kidney and Transplant Institute yesterday afternoon. Also, he was blessed by Fr. Charlie, a priest for Sacred Heart Village together with Sr. Nona Parra, a Carmelite nun before he was transferred. We thought that he's been doing fine when he was transferrred but we really do think that he himself doesn't want anymore sufferings and he doesn't want us to see him like that anymore. He left us without saying anything; he just slept and with that, he died early morning of December 30th 2013 at the age of 25.

Kuya Dan, all in all, is a great son, brother and friend. He thinks of others before himself most of the time. He has become a breadwinner of the family. He supported me financially during my last two years in college and when I started my home study program in Comprehensive Art. He also provided us with a brand new car. He worked so hard for us and now it's our turn to return the favor and pay everything forward.

And as a contributor in JEFusion, I plan to continue working with it. This website has done a lot for us... I promise to study everything about the blog and continue.

I'll just inform everyone on where would be the wake. Thank you for being a part of his wonderful and fruitful life!

All images and videos here are property of their respective owners and used for reference purpose only. We claim no rights to it unless otherwise stated.
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163 Responses
  1. Kamen Rider Lekir Says: very sad news

    RIP GekiDan :'(

  2. Chen D Says:

    My condolences and prayers to the family of GekiDan. He is now in a better place. RIP GekiDan.

  3. My condolences to the family, GekiDan will be missed.

  4. Anonymous Says:

    My condolences. This place has become my number one stop for anything related to tokusatsu and I am sad to hear this news. I wish you all the best of luck.

  5. Anonymous Says:

    He will be in our prayers and in our thoughts. My condolences to you and your family.

  6. My deepest condolences to you and your family and my your brother rest in peace. His site renewed my love of toku and for that I will always be thankful. It is truely a sad day that the world should lose such a kind heart such as his.

  7. Anonymous Says:

    Condolence bro!

  8. Anonymous Says:

    Sorry for your loss,i hope the site will be his legacy and continue to grow and improve

  9. Unknown Says:

    Thank you Gekidan, for all that you have done. If it weren't for this website I would still have no idea about Kamen Rider or Super Sentai. Because of this my life is now filled with excitement so once more, thank you and goodbye.

  10. Anonymous Says:

    bless him.

  11. Anonymous Says:

    I am so sorry for your loss. We all have lost an amazing toku fan who gave us news regarding all the things we wouldn't have even heard about if it weren't for you guys or gekidan. Rest in peace man, you'll always be missed.

  12. Anonymous Says:

    What a beautiful story. What a beautiful life.Very inspirational. Be strong. Thanks for sharing.

  13. Unknown Says:

    thanks for all every things you give to us from HJU and Jefusion
    Rest In Peace My friend

  14. Unknown Says:

    thanks for all every things you give to us from HJU and Jefusion
    Rest In Peace My friend

  15. Kirtro Says:

    My deepest condolences for you and and all of your family, i've never spoken to GekiDan, but your description of him makes me wish that I had.

    Rest in Peace, Dan, and thank you.

  16. Unknown Says:

    Rest in Peace Young Hero!! :'(

  17. Anonymous Says:

    I am very sad to hear this news; I am a regular visitor of this website and I say condolence to all his loved ones. May his soul rest in peace and more than ever, more power to the entire Jefusion staff. GANBATTE! We will miss you, Mr. Daniel Vilodres! I didn't expect him to be a Filipino too like me...

  18. Anonymous Says:

    My condolences to Dan's Family. May he rest in peace and his spirit be carried on by those around him with love.

  19. lucas Says:

    Nakikiramay po ako sa pagkamatay ng inyong kapatid, na founder pala ng jefusion, GO PINOY and REST IN PEACE GEKIDAN

  20. Anonymous Says:

    May he rest with the other wonderful heroes of tokusatsu before him. GekiDan will truly be missed.

  21. it's sad when a member of 1 Family pass away, but it even sadder when a great person such as Geki-Dan pass away, i hope that his legacy isn't to heavy to bear on your shoulder, and remember, here in Jefusion, we are 1 big Family of fgriends from around the globe, i hope every 1 read this, and coments of what they have on there minds/hearts

  22. Muzae Says:


  23. Rachael Says:

    Really sorry to hear the sad news. He sounded like a great man and a true hero. My prayers are with him and his family.

  24. Anonymous Says:

    So he's about my age...
    For these few years, i often visit these websites for Tokusatsu update without any care aboout my future.

    But unlike me, who's still unemployed and a baggage to my family, he's a hero who can make his friends and family happy even with his handicap and i feel deeply ashamed for my lacks of achievement.

    GekiDan's heart is truly a heart of a hero.
    RIP, mate.

  25. robin candra- solo Says:

    Saya turut berdukacita sedalam-dalamnya atas meninggalnya daniel (who we known as Gekidan),sungguh informasi dan kreatifitas nya bener2 saya salut...
    kuat ,sabar, dan tegar yahh tuk semua yang ditinggalkan olehnya...

  26. Unknown Says:

    Condolence to you and your family., i want to thank him personally for what he have done to all tokusatsu fans out there. Proud ako bilang Pinoy sa lahat lahat ng ginawa nya. it's good to hear. that a Filipino is the reason why all Japanese Entertainment fans all around the world gathered in one place.

  27. Unknown Says:

    Condolence to you and your family., i want to thank him personally for what he have done to all tokusatsu fans out there. Proud ako bilang Pinoy sa lahat lahat ng ginawa nya. it's good to hear. that a Filipino is the reason why all Japanese Entertainment fans all around the world gathered in one place.

  28. Anonymous Says:

    Rest in peace Daniel/Gekidan, I am eternally grateful for him founding this site. My condolences to his loved ones

  29. I'm sorry for your loss. I'll pray for you and your family. I'm sure he's feeling better in heaven and waiting to see you again soon.

  30. Anonymous Says:

    Be strong! Pay you my respect.

  31. Anonymous Says:

    Be strong! Pay you my respect.

  32. Anonymous Says:

    May Your Soul Rest In Peace !
    thanks for everything Gekidan!
    - Kitsukawa

  33. Wanny Says:

    Huge condolence to u and ur family...

  34. Anonymous Says:

    Even though I didn't know him, I pray his family good luck in dealing with your brother's death.
    He seemed to been a good man.
    I hope thing will get better for you.

  35. Anonymous Says:

    sorry to hear of his passing.
    rest in peace Gekidan.thank your for your strong family support and the hard work and dedication you did for jefusion.

  36. Anonymous Says:

    Thanks Gekidan for everthing... Rest in peace there buddy.

  37. Anonymous Says:

    Dear Gekidan, Me, no, all of us, toku fans wanted to thank you for give us this wonderful gift(JEFusion), this site can help us access all toku related things easily. May our prayers with you always, RIP Gekidan.

  38. sorry for your lost dude.
    from what I've read he was a great guy

  39. Anonymous Says:


  40. Unknown Says:

    Thank you gekiDan for informing us about Japanese pop culture. The truth is I dislike what Philippine pop culture has become and this website keep my sanity intact. You provide inspiration to all of us. You did well.

  41. KABUM Says:

    My condolences to the family...

  42. Anonymous Says:

    RIP. This site is great site and thank you for the effort. :)

  43. Anonymous Says:

    I like all his post,may he rest in peace,he"s good lad & stronghearted ..sorry for your lost

  44. Anonymous Says:

    I hope your brother died happy. He and your family will be in our prayers.

  45. CYAN Says:

    Oh that's terrible. I didn't know GekiDan have that condition. My condolences.

    I guess this website will never feel the same again with him gone. though I'm sure you will do your best to keep the community together.

    I once posted that I admired his tenacity of posting AKB48 content despite obvious lack of viewership and community around them, I came here as a tokusatsu fan, his work is what get me to start knowing AKB. And now I am more fan of AKB than tokusatsu. The result of that the circle of my real life friends that I hang up often also changed. The small ripple he started inspired the change in my life. He will be greatly missed.

  46. CYAN Says:

    oh that's terrible news. I didn't know that GekiDan has that condition. my condolences.

    I'm sure you will keep the community together, but things will never be the same without him.

    I once posted how I admired his tenacity of postinig AKB48 content despite the lack of viewership and discussion surrounding them.
    I came to this blog as a tokusatsu fan, and it is my first contact to AKB48. Nowadays I am more of an AKB48 fans now. The circle of friends who I hang up with also changed due to that. I dare say the ripple GekiDan created changed my life. He will be missed.

  47. Anonymous Says:

    i am sorry to hear of your lost. I wish the best for your family and friends.

  48. Unknown Says:

    Goodbye, great man of otakus. We shall forever re-enact our henshin poses in your name until the cosmos no longer exist.

  49. Thanks and good luck from the other side of the planet. Im truly sorry
    Rest in peace

  50. Im truly sorry, good luck from the other side of the planet, Rest In Peace

  51. Unknown Says:

    Idol coming from someone growned to sentai and masked/kamen rider salamat! You brought me back to my younger side and will be very thankful sa lahat ng nagawa mo! Kudos to you i couldnt think someone this talented could be taken this early. You did alot for us, and would like to say my thank you! Salamat ulit bro and may you rest in peace!

  52. Anonymous Says:

    This is very sad to hear. Your family will stay in my prayers. It's good to see that you will continue on with something that meant a lot to him and other toku fans. Thank you for that.

  53. Anonymous Says:

    Oh my. What's going to happen with the stream one?

  54. Unknown Says:

    May His heart and soul find peace and comfort.

  55. Unknown Says:

    i'm sorry for your loss, i offer my condolences

  56. Unknown Says:

    i'm sorry for your loss, my condolences sir

  57. Scott Says:

    Oh wow...i thought this was some kind of a sick joke, but sadly it looks like that is not the case.

    I greatly appreciate the hard work GekiDan has put into this site. I love having all the toku news and the occasional anime/game news collected onto one place.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time.

  58. Anonymous Says:

    What a great example! My prayers for you and your family, your brother for sure is in a better place.

  59. Unknown Says:

    I just wanted to leave my condolences, and be the first to express how much joy this site has brought my friends and I. We're huge tokusatsu nerds and there's so much joy for us when a new announcement or rumor drops.

    GekiDan has done so much for this community with JEFusion, and I encourage you to keep it going in his absence. We all know you can do it, and have faith in you to do so. Grace, mercy and peace be with you in his stead. GANBARIMASHOU

  60. Anonymous Says:

    My condolences. His memories will live forever in one of my favorite websites, JEFusion.

  61. Unknown Says:

    your brother seems like an awesome person im sorry for your loss i bet he will be watching over you now

  62. Anonymous Says:

    Gekidan was a great member of the community and will be greatly missed. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family.

  63. Anonymous Says:

    My condolences go out to you and your family. Rest in peace GekiDan. And thank you for creating such a splendid blog. We are always in your debt.

  64. Anonymous Says:


    I feel really sorry to hear this sad news. Please accept my deepest condolences, to you and all your family members who are left behind. Your lost is ours too, and your grieve is us to bear as well. May you all be given the strenght and comfort to walk through this time of sadness.

    I've been visiting this site frequently for quite some time, from occasionally, to weekly and then daily. So reading this news totally gave me the biggest shock that I didn't even realize tears were already flowing from my eyes. It came in like a storm, without notice, without any warning. It's not something I expected to hear, especially at the end of a fine year for the site. It's truly a sad day for us all.

    Please continue running this site, cause I'm sure that's what Gekidan wants; that his legacy will keep on living in the hands of those who cares for him. We will do our share by continue being a frequent visitor and supporter for his site as well. However, don't ever hesitate if you want to take your time of silence for a while. Losing someone precious takes time to heal, I've been there so I understand how hard you are feeling right now... but worry not, we'll be right here, awaiting for Jefusion to return with all it's glory. Perhaps even better, and slowly becoming the best... just like what its founder had always aimed for.

    Thank you Gekidan, for all your efforts and dedication to this site. I wish I could've known you better, but even so I still feel like I've just lost an important part of my daily life. One thing for sure, you will be dearly missed. Rest in peace Gekidan, for now you're in a happy place where there are no pain and sadness anymore. I'm sure this message will get to you, cause I'm sure somewhere out there, you're looking down upon us, proofreading every comments and replying with the warmest smile, knowing that there are many who already missed you so. You've given so much in such a short life you had, but your hardwork will live on to the end of days.
    Thanks so much for being a part of our lives!

  65. Anonymous Says:

    Wow, speechless. Long time reader/fan, and had no idea about his life. Rest in peace, and may the power protect him!

    Here's hoping to the continuation of a great site!

  66. Anonymous Says:

    many condolences to u n ur family
    hope dat the legacy will continue
    i will always be ur no 1 fan
    the spirit of Gekidan will never fade..always

  67. Anonymous Says:

    may he rest in peace :(

  68. if it helps out any, I will do whatever I can to help you guys out with this blog trying to find news for Tokusatsu...even if I have to see it on another blog first; we have got to keep this going since a classmate of mine & I are going to be very impacted by hearing this (& that's just on a personal level with me)

  69. Youfan Says:

    Rest in peace, GekiDan.

    JEFusion is a nice Japanese entertainment site.

  70. Anonymous Says:

    I am so very sorry. :-(

  71. Unknown Says:

    I am truly sorry for your loss. You have my sympathy. I've been going to this website for who knows how long reading articles that were important to me. I think a lot of them were from Gekidan. I shall pray for him. He shall truly be missed.

  72. Unknown Says:

    I am truly sorry for your loss. You have my sympathy. I've been going to this website for who knows how long reading articles that were important to me. I think a lot of them were from Gekidan. I shall pray for him. He shall truly be missed.

  73. Anonymous Says:

    I check this blog EVERYDAY. I love everything about this blog. Gekidan you will be missed brother. Thank you so much for an incredible gift.

  74. Anonymous Says:

    Your brother is in a better place no. i hope you can take solace in that.

  75. Anonymous Says:

    Sorry for your loss.

    R.I.P. GekiDan

  76. Anonymous Says:

    Best of luck with your family with this tragedy around the holidays. Thanks for you and your bros hard work!

  77. Anonymous Says:

    These are sad news... I wish I could say thank you to GekiDan... This is my primary site of tokusatsu news and I basically was initiated to that world thanks to GekiDan's work... Good bye GekiDan... Wherever you are, I hope you are better and can meet some of your heroes that already aren't with us anymore.

  78. So sad for all of us, such a fighter human being....thank you Daniel, thank you GekiDan, thank you JEFusion...... saraba, god'll give you best place brother

  79. So sad for all of us, such a fighter human being....thank you Daniel, thank you GekiDan, thank you JEFusion...... saraba, god'll give you best place brother

  80. Anonymous Says:

    Condolence to you and your family.

  81. Unknown Says:

    My heartfelt condolences goes out to him, his family and friends.

    I've often lurk on his website for years on a daily basis. It was nice to see good website that focuses on the tokusatsu genre.

    Its really sad to hear about this but I'm sure he would want everyone to continue forward with life and support the things he loved.

  82. SomFilipinoGuy Says:

    Salamat sa lahat ng ginawa mo, Dan. RIP :(

  83. SomFilipinoGuy Says:

    Salamat sa lahat ng ginawa mo, Dan. RIP :(

  84. Anonymous Says:

    Rest In Peace, Sir. We all pray for you and your family and you have our most sincere gratitude for the work you did. I hope some Riders and Rangers guide you to the heavens ;)

  85. Anonymous Says:

    *claps* He lived an amazingly life. Thanks GekiDan, you were an odd lighthouse in my quest for knowledge involving Toku and more, but definitely a favorite.

  86. Anonymous Says:

    My Heart goes out to you and your family.

    GekiDan lived his life to the best. Turning Life's Lemons into the greatest party he could muster. He was a hero to anyone who had wanted to turn disability into possibility and he strove to become the Heroic Red Ranger, half of us can only hope to be.

    I hope he is enjoying his afterlife in a better place... Like a private island with a cabaña, A Hyper DJ system with surround sound speakers that could shake mountains, an advanced computer system to design galaxies for our universe, gaming consoles century's ahead of what we got, and 5-8 swimming pools with really hot pool bunnies to chill and game with.

    Rest well Hero, Rest well.

    From one of your many, many readers, Anon E. Moose.

  87. Unknown Says:

    I am sorry for your loss. God bless him.

  88. aschura Says:

    I'm so sorry to hear about your loss
    My condolences to you and your family
    I'm sure the pain is unbearable.
    Thank you for sharing your pain and let us know about Gekidan's life, passion and beloved ones.

  89. Anonymous Says:

    my condolences kapatid

  90. God knows all things. God rest his soul in a very comfortable place in heaven. I'm Brazilian, I do not know very well English, but I use the Google translator when I access JEFusion, I try to always stay informed with news about Tokusatsu. We lost a great person, responsible for one of the biggest sites Tokusatsu the internet. Please do not be discouraged, do not close the site. If you need any help with the site, i can contribute in some way, despite not knowing English and just use Google Translator, I have experience with Blogger. Anything just get in touch

    Ps: No need to approve this comment.

  91. Anonymous Says:

    Mayhe rest in piece,con. his Legacy thank you

  92. Anonymous Says:

    Dude, that's harsh. I am so sorry.

  93. Anonymous Says:

    How sad :,( R.I.P GekiDan

  94. My condolences to you and your family for your loss.

  95. Anonymous Says:

    Sorry for your loss.

  96. My sincerest condolences go out to you and your family..

  97. Zuhri69 Says:

    I'm terribly sorry for the loss. Not a frequent poster, only a lurker but the site has given me a lot of good moments in my days of visiting it. Love to your family and be well. Take care.

  98. Anonymous Says:

    stay strong man! thoughts with the family!

  99. MagiDan Says:

    Words cannot describe how sorry I feel right now. I express all of my fullest and sincerest apologies, my condolences to Dan. He was such an inspiration to us all, and his legacy, shall never be forgotten. He is a toku fan like all of us, one of the highest rank. He has donee such amazing things during his life. He will surely be dearly missed amongst all of us toku fans. I am sure that every Kyoryuger, and Gaim member is crying right now. GekiDan, we will always, and forever, love you! DOMO Arigato gozeimasta, MagiDan.

  100. Anonymous Says:

    My condolences... from a brazilian fan.

  101. Showa Rider Says:

    A real Hero for bringing joy to the lives of all rider and sentai fans without asking for any rewards in return.

    A shining example for the younger generations of rider and sentai fans to follow.

    Rest in Peace GekiDan!
    May your spirit live on in JEFusion!

  102. Anonymous Says:

    My sympathies and condoleances for your loss. Gekidan was a good soul and I will be forever grateful as a toku fan.

    I'm so sorry it happened now.

  103. Unknown Says:

    i hope the least we can all do is keep his memory alive by keeping the site he loved and created for us alive, thanks to him i saw some of my favorite sentai teams and anime updates

  104. Unknown Says:

    Thank you GekiDan, for all your works in this website... :'(

  105. Sorry for your loss I am sure he will be missed by alot of people who he shared in his love of Japanese media and culture.

  106. May his soul rest i utmost peace. So long GekiDan, thanks a million for all joy you have shared with us here.

  107. Anonymous Says:

    Very saddened by this news, my heart goes out to you and your family. Dan will be missed.

  108. Anonymous Says:

    I've been coming to this site for two years now just to watch and get the latest scoop on sentai. I just want to offer my condolences to you and your family as well as my appreciation for your brother. Thank you Dan for all of your work. You will be missed!

  109. Anonymous Says:

    My Condolences.
    He started an excellent site.

  110. Anonymous Says:

    Rest In {eace Gekidan

  111. Anonymous Says:

    To Gekidan...

    Thank you for bring to everyone all about tokusatsu!
    I can sense in this site a real good feeling about Super Sentai, Kamen Rider, Ultraman and others.

    I can only say, R.I.P.

    Sorry for my bad english!

  112. Anonymous Says:

    To Gekidan...

    Thank you for bring to everyone all about tokusatsu!
    I can sense in this site a real good feeling about Super Sentai, Kamen Rider, Ultraman and others.

    I can only say, R.I.P.

    Sorry for my bad english!

  113. Skyer tot Says:

    my condolences to you and your family, i understand how you guys fell, as my grandmother also recently passed away last week.

    Hope the legacy of Gekidan, Jefusion, never ends, and keeping up the good work providing news bout the Tokusatsu world...

  114. Anonymous Says:

    I'm sorry for your lost, I hope he rests in peace.

  115. lucario Says:

    Deep condolence from me to all JeFusion admins, crew... and also everyone...

  116. Anonymous Says:

    My sincerest condolence for your brother...
    May he find peace in Heaven above

  117. d2112 Says:

    condolences :(

  118. Cain Kirisgai Says:

    Sorry to hear about that regardless if it was expected or inevitable, still crappy one way or another :-(

  119. Cain Kirisgai Says:

    Sorry to hear about that regardless if it was expected or inevitable, still crappy one way or another :-(

  120. Anonymous Says:

    Rest in Peace GekiDan and bless your family.

  121. Anonymous Says:

    I'm sorry for your loss. May he rest in peace.

  122. Anonymous Says:

    R.I.P. GekiDan, you will be missed.

  123. Jay Says:

    My sincerest condolences. You brother's obvious love for tokusatsu connected with so many who came to this site for news and to connect with other fans. I hope, as it seems, that it brought him great happiness... it did to us.

  124. Anonymous Says:

    So sorry for your loss man. You both lived a happy life together and don't ever forget the good times you guys had because you always have to cherish those moments. May his soul rest in peace. :'( still so sorry for you man.

  125. Anonymous Says:

    I'm sorry to hear this.
    He shall be missed.

  126. Anonymous Says:

    My support in heart with u and your family

    He is in much better place

    My condolescences

    Abraxian from Mexico

  127. Anonymous Says:

    I feel for you. May he be in a better place.

  128. Anonymous Says:

    I'm so sorry for loss

  129. Aside from being a really cool guy to the tokusatsu community, it's also fascinating to hear how wonderful a provider he was and just how much he was able to accomplish even considering his lifelong condition. I should think you are probably quite proud to have been Daniel's brother. I don't have much to say that will ease your pain. But everyone in the community is grateful to have had a chance to know him through a common set of interests. I offer prayers to your family in this time of mourning. God bless you.

  130. I honestly don't know enough sites that not only cover toku news but also other topics I like, like jojo or Hunter X Hunter things of that nature. You're site is actually the first thing I look at whenever I start my day. I really like it and if you can keep it going, I will continue to support this site as a loyal viewer and that means something reading this.. I am very sorry for your loss. I will forever be in yours and GekiDan's debt. Thank You.

  131. Anonymous Says:


  132. Anonymous Says:

    My regards to Gekidan's family and friends...

  133. Anonymous Says:

    Thank you for everything you'he done for us. R.I.P

  134. natamhanjing Says:

    condolence. He really a great guy -_-

  135. xvii13 Says:

    Despite being a regular visitor of this website, I had no idea that GekiDan had such a condition. I offer my deepest condolences, and I'm certain that he's resting peacefully in the afterlife right now - knowing that the site (his beloved creation) is in the best hands.

  136. Anonymous Says:

    RIP GekiDan. He's in a better place now.

  137. Anonymous Says:

    RIP, Dan. You made a wonderful site. I hope you're kicking monster butt, up there in heaven.

  138. Anonymous Says:

    RIP Dan! This blog has provided us so much. We are grateful to have been your visitors.

  139. I discovered this blog only a few months ago because I started watching Super Sentai, but, since then I come here everyday.

    I didn't about the story of the founder, but it is sad that such a great person left us.

    My condolences to the family and friends of the founder.

  140. Anonymous Says:

    nakikiramay kami bro.

  141. Kamen Rider Joker Z Ph Says:

    I have always visit this site ever since a friend told me about it a year ago. Thanks GekiDan.

  142. rest in peace... thanks for all his contribution...

  143. Anonymous Says:

    my deepest condolences.. ):
    i hope your brother will be given place right next to God..

    btw, what is your nationality?

  144. Anonymous Says:

    RIP Gekidan

  145. Anonymous Says:

    My condolences go out to the entire family, GekiDan will be missed.

  146. Anonymous Says:

    rest in peace!

  147. I'm so sorry for you're loss, R.I.P Dan.

  148. Anonymous Says:


  149. Crt Says:

    Gone, but never forgotten. You're still missed. I hope GekiDan is in a better place.

  150. Unknown Says:

    Still to this day, this website is still growing strong. Thank you for everything. R.I.P the strong GekiDan.

  151. Anonymous Says:

    5 years ago today and the pain I felt when I first heard the news still has not left my heart. Still, even though he is long gone, the site has thrived over the past 5 years and continues to bring fresh toku news to its fans.

    The people at JEFusion are simply amazing and for what you guys do I say thank you and God bless you!

  152. Anonymous Says:

    It has now been 7 long years since GekiDan died and JEFusion is still the best toku website out there. I miss him a lot but everyone who works on the site are doing an excellent job. Thank you so much for keeping JEFusion alive.

    Have a great year of success in 2021!

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