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Kamen Rider Ghost - New Soul Forms For Ghost & Specter

Here are some new magazine scans featuring Kamen Rider Ghost and Kamen Rider Specter's upcoming new Eyecons and Soul forms.

First up will be the Billy The Kid Ghost Eyecon and Billy The Kid Soul Form. In this form, Ghost will become a dual gun wielding fighter with the help of the Bat Clock in it's gun form and it can also combine with the Gan Gun Saber to form it's rifle mode using the Omega Impact as finisher. 

Not into gun violence? Then let the power of music do your job. With the Power residing within the Beethoven Ghost Eyecon, Ghost can transform into Beethoven Soul form with music as his main attack.

In the upcoming DVD special, Ghost will obtain the power of the Ikkyu Ghost Eyecon that will grant him the power of the Ikkyu Soul form.

As for Specter, we have recently witnessed that he had obtained the Nobunaga Ghost Eyecon which will grant him the power to transform into his Nobunaga Soul Form with the Gan Gun Hand in gun mode as his weapon.

Finally, we have the Tutankhamen Ghost Eyecon that will grant Specter to power-up into his Tutankhamen Soul Form and with the help of the Cobra Mobile, his Gan Gun Hand will get the sickle mode. And btw, Specter will steal the Edison Ghost Eyecon from Takeru.

Source: The Ghouly News 

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9 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    Dude! The Billy the Kid form looks amazing!

    I can't wait to see it!

  2. Anonymous Says:

    Um, actually I think the blue one is Tutankhamen and the purple one is Nobunaga.

  3. Anonymous Says:

    Even though I'm all for the idea of eyecons being interchangeable between riders, since they're all racing to collect them and theft is bound to happen, but I wish their figure range was able to accommodate for that a bit better. The DX Edison soul that attaches to Ghost only has one horn. That means that it would be inaccurate to attach it to the Spector figure, which has two horns. I know that it's really difficult (Practically impossible) to design something like that, though. Maybe if it was Like Gaim's arms change series, where the horn would be attached to a screen of clear plastic with the faceplate behind it... Well, never mind.

  4. Anonymous Says:

    I am sure Billy damashii will be rocks with Starninger!

  5. Anonymous Says:

    Billy the Kid form aka Eat your heart out, Starninger.

  6. Not Edison's eyecon great to think that Ghost has 6 icons but 5 now since he lost Edison's icon. So that's 9 icons so far we seen now we need is the remaining 6 icons

  7. Unknown Says:

    I think you miscounted. Benkei Damashii has yet to be revealed, the last of the first 9 heroic eyecons shown in the first quarter toy scans. After that, then there will be 6 remaining.

  8. Anonymous Says:

    Why can't they have more normal looking weapons?Like just a sword or just a gun...But no,they need to have a multi-colored gun that is also a giant hand that also becomes a scythe...
    It was so much simpler when Kamen Rider just had a normal looking sword and a normal looking gun,not these bunch of shenanigans.

  9. TCCOL Says:

    We got regular sword weapons in gaim. Wizard weapons were basic motif

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