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Warz Gill is Prince Vekar in Power Rangers Super Megaforce

As the all new episodes of Megaforce gets to air this weekend, it has been reported that Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger's villain Warz Gill will be called Prince Vekar in the upcoming episodes of Power Rangers Super Megaforce. He is said to be Vrak's (Bragira) brother.

Updated series summary (via Marvista Entertainment):
Power Rangers Super Megaforce took place after the rangers defeated the Warstar villains. Now the ruthless Prince Vekar has arrived with his massive alien Armada to conquer the earth. To face this threat, Gosei, a supernatural guardian who has protected Earth for centuries, gives the Rangers special morphers and keys, which allow them to morph into Super Megaforce Rangers. The Rangers also have an added special ability to morph into any team of Power Rangers from the past. These super-sized adventures can only mean one thing: the all-new Power Rangers Super Megaforce has arrived!

Power Rangers Super Megaforce is the 21st season of Power Rangers continuing the celebration of the series 20th anniversary. Coming this 2014.

via RangerCrew

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18 Responses
  1. MegaMega Says:

    Here's to the small hope that Super Megaforce will be a season like Lightspeed or Mystic Force - you know, the type of show with a plot and decent acting(?)

  2. Anonymous Says:

    i really wanna see how they are going to explain the pirate suits XD

  3. Anonymous Says:

    it's like Joel Schumacher ruined batman.

  4. Anonymous Says:

    ^To Anonymous #5, the season hasn't aired yet, so SHUT UP!

  5. Of course it is. It is an American adaptation after all.

  6. Anonymous Says:

    Nothing funnier than watch a bunch of adults complain that a kids show isn't "grown up" enough for them.

    I lied, what's funnier is watching a bunch of adults flock to Power Rangers topics to say how much they don't like it. But, they keep coming back to the articles...

    Who the hell are you guys trying to impress by being so "cool"?

  7. Anonymous Says:

    Oh, and by the way, he was PRINCE Warz Gillz in Goseiger. So what if his name is Prince Vekar?! You guys complain about anything and everything. I don't even see the kids whom this show was aimed for complaining as much as the adults watching a kids show.

  8. MagiDan Says:

    This does not make any sense at all! Why make Warz Gill "Vrak's" brother at all. It makes no sense. Are they trying to say that this brother was more successful in becoming a prince, while Vrak was a failure. And if they are brothers, then what about Ackdos Gill? Plus, Warz Gill is still too funny and immature to be considered as Vraks successful brother.

    I am 100% certain that Saban has already messed this up entirely! they might even change Warz Gill's voice to something more caniving, and sinister. But his movements on Gokaiger will tell another story at that. Plus, they will have to shoot their own footage. Because, there is not 1 scene in Gokaiger where Warz Gill meets the Goseigers.

    Plus, the Gokaiger story is way too awesome and long to fit into just 15-30 episodes of Super Megaforce. And whats even worse is that how will Saban evn be able to explain the pirate motif of the Gokaiger suits, GokaiGalleon, GokaiOh, and etc.

    So far, I strongly feel that Saban has already screwed up Gokaiger entirely! Thanks Saban! I am sure that this is going to be even more "Super Mega", then I thought! (Sarcasm)!

  9. Anonymous Says:

    Not to bad of a name for gillz.

  10. Anonymous Says:

    I hope Jason Smith pulls through with some well-written episodes.

  11. Anonymous Says:

    So much negativity! You're all complaining how much this is going to suck when Super Megaforce hasn't even begun yet! Making Warz Gill prince and Vrak's brother is more than I can ask for!

  12. Xenotome Says:

    MagiDan, we have no not seen one piece of footage from Super Megaforce do I think you should put your pants back on. Space is nothing like Megaranger, RPM is nothing like Go-Onger, Zeo is nothing like Ohranger. These adaptations. Just because something happened in Gokaiger doesn't mean it'll happen in Super Megaforce. Vrak is royalty too, he mentioned it in the debut when explaining the Zombats.

  13. Anonymous Says:

    @ Anonymous- September 7, 2013 at 1:50 AM

    "To Anonymous #5, the season hasn't aired yet, so SHUT UP"!

    Let me explain something to you dickhead. If a shitty Sentai waterdown program retains the same production team from it's past shitty season on to it's new season. What conclusion would you draw? Nevermind, I just realized I'm attempting to be rational with a deluded fanboy passing his self off as a demented neckbeard fan. People like you is the reason why the quality is so terrible.

  14. Anonymous Says:

    How people go all "OMG the series is doomed!!1!!" mode over a name is beyond insane. At that point you need to stop watching altogether, lol.

  15. Anonymous Says:

    @ Anon -

    "Who the hell are you guys trying to impress by being so "cool"?

    But yet you still found the audacity to comment. So who's actually attention whoring here? Again, if you Mega Farce fans disagree with people who have a legitimate concern with the direction the show is going. Then either shut up or interject something more useful then calling people "Babies".

  16. Anonymous Says:

    I kind of hate the name; it isn't the worst I ever heard but it builds too much on Vrak (it was announced they are brothers but still). A name isn't everything but I still dislike it.

  17. Anonymous Says:

    "But yet you still found the audacity to comment. So who's actually attention whoring here? "

    I wasn't "attention whoring", I was replying and making sense. You couldn't reply to anything else I said in my reply and went straight for another bandwagon jumping move by using the term "attention whoring" without even using it right...

    You guys are trolling Power Rangers articles and that's as lame as it gets. What are you doing commenting on a show that you don't like every time an article pops up?

    Example: "If a shitty Sentai waterdown program retains the same production team from it's past shitty season on to it's new season. What conclusion would you draw?"

    Why are you still watching and trolling articles for a show you hate? Isn't that called a waste of time?! Mind you, this show is NOT aimed for adults who overthink every damn thing (wannabe otakus).

  18. Anonymous Says:

    PR is like a leveled-down version of Santa Claus.

    Kids watching these now will realize that they've been lied to when they grow up.
    Though, it doesn't hurt as much as Santa Claus. But itnstill hurts.

    So yeah. Super Sentai forever

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